Collecte et traitement des données personnelles
En règle générale, vous pouvez visiter anonymement le site Web de la société ritu Laser Technology Ltd Shandong, c 'est - à - dire sans avoir à vous dire qui vous êtes.Lorsque vous visitez notre site Web, notre serveur Internet en Allemagne vous donnera accès à l 'adresse IP de nos fournisseurs de services Internet, à votre site Web et aux documents que vous avez visités ici, ainsi que la date de votre visite sur notre site Web et l' enregistrement général des informations de votre navigateur.Ces données sont traitées de manière à assurer la sécurité du serveur Web et à adapter la sortie des informations récupérées à votre support de sortie (tel que votre téléphone mobile).Ordinateur portable ou autre matérielCes données ne sont analysées que sous une forme anonyme.
Personal data is stored and processed only if you provide us with this information, e.g. when completing a contact form or registering for personalized services. On the respective website you will be informed about the intended use and, if necessary, your consent to the storage and processing requested. Disclosure will only take place atReto companies and service providers affiliated with us, for example to send you the requested written information. Of course, all service providers are committed to data secrecy and confidentiality. A transfer to other third parties does not take place. Your data is always encrypted before transmission and processing to protect this data against unauthorized access
The information that Reto presents to you on this website is compiled and updated periodically. It is impossible to guarantee freedom from all errors. For this reason, Reto disclaims and excludes all liability or warranty with regard to the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateless of the information provided on this website. There is no warranty of merchant ability, no warranty of fitness for a particular use, and no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the information or any aspect of this website.
This website provides links to other websites. Reto disclaims all liability and warranty with respect to any information obtained from and your interaction with any website that you reach by means of a link from this website. These websites are operated by separate companies. Reto is also not responsible for the data protection precautions of the operators of such websites. Reto urges you to check the privacy policy, terms and conditions disclaimers on such websites before using such websites.
In no event will Reto or other companies mentioned at this site be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this site, any websites linked to this site, or the content contained at any or all such sites, including but not limited to damages to computer system, data or any personal objects resulting from the downloading of material and/or data from this website or from websites reached by links from this website. Reto reserves the right to undertake alterations or additions to the information or data provided at all times without further notice. Insofar as our Internet pages contain forward-looking statements, these statements are based on opinions and estimations of Reto Management and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Reto is not obliged to update such forward-looking statements. All liability for such statements is expressly excluded.
Copyright 2020 Reto . All rights reserved. The content including pictures and the design of the Reto website are subject to copyright protection and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. No dissemination or alteration of the content of these pages or of the frames or similar measures are permitted. Moreover, these contents may not be copied, disseminated, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.
Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks used onReto Internet pages are protected by trademark law. The same applies to company logos and signs.
The intellectual property contained on this website is legally protected through patents, trademarks and copyrights. This website does not grant any license to use the intellectual property owned by companies of the Reto Group. Duplication, dissemination, reproduction and further transmission and other use are prohibited without the written consent of Reto .